Coastline Pathways
Coastline Pathways is an equity-based mindset and practice to facilitate student success.
What is the Coastline Pathways Model?
Coastline Pathways is an integrated, institution-wide approach to student success.
The Coastline Pathways model is intentionally designed to provide clear, coherent, and structured educational experiences for students. The components of Coastline Pathways are designed with the intention to lead each student effectively and efficiently from entry into the College to the attainment of high-quality postsecondary credentials leading to careers with value in the labor market.
Components of Coastline Pathways
Student Life Cycle
- Clarify
- Clarifying the path focuses on simplifying students' choices with effective program maps developed by faculty to provide students a clear pathway to complete their educational goals.
- Enter
- Entering the path helps students explore academic and career options from the beginning of their college experience and aligns foundational skills coursework with a student's program of study.
- Persist
- Staying on the path utilizes academic and student support services throughout students' programs to promote student learning and persistence.
- Succeed
- Ensuring students are learning focuses on the continuous assessment and enhancement of programs, instructional practices, and student support services which promotes innovation, excellence, and effectiveness throughout the college.
Impact of Coastline Pathways
In 2020, Coastline College documented the progress of the student experience through guided pathways:
Coastline Pathways Report 2020
Advancing Equity through Pathways
On Tuesday, July 14th, the Coastline Pathways design teams - which consisted of faculty, classified professionals and managers - met with Dr. Rob Johnstone and Dr. Alison Kadlec to explore, more deeply, how to advance equity through Guided Pathways. Rob shared eleven Guides that have been developed by equity leaders across the county:
- Guide 1 features an institutional self-assessment
- Guides 2-4 examine equity issues in the context of culture and leadership
- Guides 5-11 explore equity issues in the student experience.
The Coastline Pathways design teams selected three areas of focus:
- Guide 5 - Supporting Students from Application to the First Day of Classes
- Guide 6 - Creating Student Connection and Belonging upon Entry
- Guide 9 - Reframing Classroom Instruction to Engage a Diverse Community of Students
These Guides will form the basis of three college-wide events in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 to advance equity through Guided Pathways efforts. Using the Guides to inform our practice would greatly strengthen our work in advancing equity.
To learn more about advancing equity through Guided Pathways, check out the National Center for Inquiry and Improvement.
Coastline Pathways Past Events
Date Event Aug. 27, 2017 A2I2 Meeting 1: All College Meeting focused on Coastline Pathways Sep. 28, 2017 IEPI Coastline Pathways Self-Assessment Workshop Oct. 6, 2017 Webinar: Best Practices for College Engagement in Coastline Pathways Nov. 15, 2017 Submit College Self-Assessment Nov. 21, 2017 A2I2 Meeting 2: College-wide Coastline Pathways Focus Groups Nov. 22, 2017 A2I2 Meeting 2: Coastline Pathways Planning Discussion Dec. 1, 2017 IEPI Coastline Pathways Visit Feb. 8, 2018 Webinar: Designing Student-Centered Pathways that Scale Mar. 13, 2018 Enter Work Group - Chair: Bruce Keeler Mar. 15, 2018 Clarify Work Group - Chair: Joycelyn Groot Feb. 20, 2018 IEPI Coastline Pathways Work Plan Workshop Mar. 20, 3018 Succeed Work Group - Chair: Josh Levenshus Mar. 20, 2018 Definition Work Group - Chair: Vince Mar. 21, 2018 A2I2 Visit Mar. 21, 2018 A2I2 Meeting 3: Visioning for the College Mar. 22, 2018 Pathways Steering Committee: Report out from Clarify-Enter-Persist-Succeed Mar. 30, 2018 Submit College Work Plan May 8, 2018 A2I2 Meeting 4 Oct. 5, 2018 A2I2 Meeting 5 Dec. 4, 2018 Coastline Pathways Town Hall Dec. 7, 2018 Coastline Pathways Town Hall Dec. 11, 2018 Coastline Pathways Town Hall TBD Persist Work Group - Chair: Stephen Barnes
Guided Pathways Documents
Contact Us
- Shelly Blair, PhD
- Dean of Innovative Learning
- Coastline Pathways Implementation Lead
- sblair12@coastline.edu
- Josh Levenshus, MA
- Coastline Pathways Faculty Coordinator
- Communication Studies Professor
- jlevenshus@coastline.edu
- Kimberly Bui
- Coastline Pathways Program Coordinator
- kbui1@coastline.edu
- Juan Ignacio Peña
- Visual Projects Coordinator
- jpea1@coastline.edu