Grant Development
The Grants Department
The Grants Department as a part of the Department of Institutional Effectiveness, provides leadership, coordination, and development support of all grant applications and proposals in association with faculty members, classified professionals, managers, and administrators to advance the mission, vision, and strategic plans at Coastline College.
The focus of grant development strategies at Coastline is to identify grant opportunities that align with institutional plans and needs. These institutional plans consist of the College’s Vision 2025 Educational Master Plan, operational strategic plans (e.g., Student Equity and Achievement Plan, Enrollment Management Plan), and program and department review documents.
External Resources
Following is a list of external resources.
Active Grants
S-STEM National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant
This project will contribute to the national need for well-educated scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and technicians by supporting the retention and graduation of high-achieving, low-income students with demonstrated financial need. Over its six-year duration, this project will fund scholarships to 75 unique full-time students who are pursuing associate's degrees designed to prepare students for transfer into Biology, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics four-year programs.
The over-arching goal of this project is to build and evaluate the effects of a cohesive scientific community that establishes student support. This community of support will include dedicated students, faculty, and local professionals. Targeted support designed to increase retention, graduation rates, and student success will be tailored to meet the academic and social needs of low-income students. Focus will be on helping students to build and leverage their confidence and motivation. Integration of academic support services, faculty and industry mentors, work-based learning opportunities, and supplemental instruction has been designed to facilitate transition from community college into STEM four-year degree programs and careers, thus broadening participation in STEM.
S-STEM National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant
- Award: $1,485,711
- Term: 01/15/2022 - 12/31/2027
WIOA, Title II, Adult Education & Family Literacy 23/24
The WIOA, Title II: AEFLA grant provides supplemental funds for adult education to (1) assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency; (2) assist adults in attaining a secondary school diploma and post-secondary education and training, including through career pathways; and (3) assist immigrants and other individuals who are English language learners.
- Award: $92,826 (Coastline’s portion of the award)
- Term: 07/01/23 - 06/30/2024
Increase NCAE K-12 Regions Investing in the Next Generation (RING 2.0) Capacity
As part of the project and under the sub award, Coastline proposes to: (1) collaborate with the University of Alabama Huntsville in sharing information on best practices in utilizing NetLab for student engagement and success and (2) provide NetLab virtual environment access for delivery of cybersecurity computer lab curriculum to all students with special attention to those students from rural and under- resourced districts, home school groups, and developing cyber programs. The goal is to scale up the NetLab virtual environment access to serve 600 students. The extension and option year funding will go towards NetLab environment upgrades to HTML5, associated equipment and licensing, and additional NetLab seats.
- Award: $51,672 (base year) + $96,486 (option year) = $148,158
- Term: 08/17/2021 - 06/30/2024
California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) New and Innovative Grant Program - Industrial Production Manager
The purpose of the grant is to complete the planning processes necessary to register at least one, but potentially several, apprenticeship programs or pre-apprenticeship programs with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards. The focus of this grant is on Industrial Production Manager.
- Award: $110,000
- Term: 07/1/2023 - 12/31/2024
California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) New and Innovative Grant Program - Coastline Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program
The purpose of this grant is the establishment of an Information Security Analyst apprenticeship program that will register 20 apprentices with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) during the grant term targeting the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)/Digital Media sector in the Orange County region. Coastline College will serve as the Local Education Agency (LEA) providing Related and Supplemental Instruction leading to academic certificates and industry certifications, as well as strengthening the college's network of student support services. On-the-job training and further career support will be provided through a partnership with The Robert Half Apprenticeship and Workforce Innovation Program.
- Award: $300,000
- Term: 07/01/2023 - 12/31/2026
Guided Pathways One-Time Funding 2022 - 2026
The one-time funding will support the continued implementation of a guided pathways program at Coastline College, which is a structure to provide all students with clear enrollment avenues, course-taking patterns, and support services.
- Award: $208,028
- Term: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Implementation Grant – Phase 2
In Phase 2, Coastline will use funding to develop and implement ZTC programs locally. Coastline College's plan is to use the funds to develop pathways for two programs: the Coastline Hope Scholars program (students who are currently incarcerated) and the new Competency-Based Education (CBE) pathway. Each program utilizes a unique delivery modality to support non-traditional student populations. For the Hope Scholars program, we will convert all of our program offerings to OERs/ZTC for three ADTs: Sociology, Psychology, and Communications Studies, along with all the courses for a Certificate of Achievement in Business. For Competency-Based Education, we will set up all course materials to be OERs/ZTC for an AS degree in Management. The expected outcomes are greater equity, access, and success for students in both programs.
- Award: $180,000
- Term: January 1, 2024 - 12/31/2025
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Acceleration Grant – Phase 3
Coastline College will utilize the ZTC Acceleration grants to develop ZTC programs for the following program pathways/degrees: Kinesiology, Geology, and Mathematics (e.g., ADT, AS, AA). Coastline will collaborate with a cohort of other institutions in California for Mathematics and Geology, led by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) under the Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI). Health Sciences (Kinesiology) is a full award as there are few colleges supporting this pathway. As such, Coastline will serve as the lead institution for the Health Sciences (Kinesiology) ZTC pathway. Coastline anticipate that completion of ZTC options for these program pathways will afford the college the ability to finalize other complete ZTC pathways in Biology, Physics, Chemistry (Allied Health Career Centers and Health Sciences), and General Education, plus Competency-Based Education, Hope Scholars, and dual enrollment programming. Our intentional focus on STEM programs aligns with our equity-driven, STEM-focused programs, including National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM (Scholarships in STEM) grant activities and the newly developed MESA program at our college. These ZTC programs will enhance our efforts at 1) increasing the number of low-income and students of color in our STEM programs and 2) closing equity gaps that currently exist in our STEM programs.
- Award: $205,266 (Health Sciences Kinesiology ADT $155,266 + Mathematics Collaboration Cohort $25,000 + Geology Collaboration Cohort $25,000)
- Term: 07/01/2022 - 12/31/2026
Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program
Coastline Community College received funding for the Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program via an allocation from the California Community College Chancellor's Office. The purpose of the program is to recruit and support economically and educationally disadvantaged students to Coastline’s STEM ADTs, and certificate programs through 1) supplemental instruction in STEM degree courses; 2) advising by academic counselors and faculty to provide a pathway for student success through mentoring and individualized academic plans; and 3) work experience and research opportunities that lead to increased student success, fall-to-fall retention, graduation, transfer, and employment rates in the STEM fields.
- Award: $1,552,039
- Term: 01/01/2023 - 07/31/2027
Regional Equity and Recovery Partnerships
Grantee district will establish a Regional Equity and Recovery Partnership (RERP) with a local workforce development board Regional Planning Unit (RPU) of the California Workforce Development Board. The partnership will connect workers most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to high-quality jobs in target and growth industry sectors. The grant funding will support educational programming by the recipient college for disproportionately impacted students (participants) identified by the RPU. The educational program shall include credit for prior learning, work-based learning opportunities, academic and career supports, and the award of industry valued credentials or degrees, consistent with Assembly Bill 132 (Chapter 144, Statutes of 2021).
- Award: $140,276
- Term: 01/01/2023 - 09/30/2025
Rising Scholars Network (RSN) Grant
Coastline College received funding under Category 1, Prison Programs to provide course materials, such as scantrons, student handbooks, journals, and textbooks, for students who are currently incarcerated in an effort to increase success, retention, graduation, and transfer rates.
- Award: $577,352
- Term: 07/01/2022 - 07/31/2025
Rehabilitative Investment Grants for Healing and Transformation (RIGHT) Grant
Rehabilitative Investment Grants for Healing and Transformation (RIGHT) Grant funds are for the sole purpose of supporting the development and delivery of rehabilitative in‐prison programming. Coastline, through its Hope Scholars operations is currently serving 34 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) facilities and plans to use RIGHT grant funds to help mitigate course material costs by providing course and program materials to students, converting courses to Open Educational Resources (OERs), updating course content, funding a Faculty Advisor position, and attending conferences and trainings related to supporting students who are incarcerated. Funding will also support upgrades to databases and systems to increase efficiencies and provide timely information to proctors and education coordinators who support students. The project will track how RIGHT resources enhance capacity and efficiency to deliver in-prison rehabilitative programming. Chabot-Las Positas Community College District will serve as the Fiscal Sponsor / Agent for a 7% administrative fee on the total award.
- Award: $295,544 (Fiscal Sponsor fee 7%, or $20,688.08, thus total amount payable = $274,855.92)
- Term: 05/19/2023 - 06/30/2025
Direct Assessment Competency-based Education (CBE) Collaborative
The purpose of the direct assessment Competency-based education (CBE) collaborative is to establish a direct assessment CBE learning community to advise on key aspects for system-wide implementation of direct assessment CBE degree programs. As a member of this collaborative, Grantee will consult with the Chancellor’s Office to prepare and maintain a work plan to guide progress under this Grant Agreement. The goals of the collaborative are as follows: 1. Establish local structures, from curriculum to administration, to support the development and implementation of a direct assessment CBE program; 2. Coordinate local implementation efforts and corresponding state supports; 3. Inform statewide policies, regulations, and system-wide change needed to support implementation; 4. Develop and disseminate a program blueprint for direct assessment CBE for system-wide implementation; 5. Cultivate a peer-learning community and a network of CBE champions armed with the tools to support, educate, and lead implementation efforts system-wide; 6. Evaluate program implementation opportunities, challenges, and outcomes.
As a member of the collaborative, and consistent with the goals identified above, Grantee will, on a multi-year basis, do the following: 1. Establish a Direct Assessment CBE Implementation committee; 2. Actively participate in collaborative planning and learning sessions with fellow participants and content experts; 3. Submit implementation artifacts (required products) to the Chancellor's Office (as a member of this collaborative, Grantee will consult with the Chancellor’s Office to prepare and maintain a work plan to guide progress under this Grant Agreement).
- Award: $515,000
- Term: 08/01/2021 - 07/01/2025
California Regional K-16 Education Collaborative Grant Program
The Orange County Department of Education aims to use Career Education as a vehicle to promote career and college readiness in students, so they have the skills necessary to enter the workforce and earn a livable wage. This project strengthens existing partnerships and alignment between all OC education partners and industry within the region so that Orange County students can lead the nation in College and Career readiness and success. The California Regional K-16 Education Collaborative Grant Program partners intend to support the purposes outlined in the Data Sharing Agreement (attachment) by creating and strengthening existing partnerships from high school to post-secondary education and into the workforce. Activities include participation in the Cradle-to-Career Data System; implement recommendations from the February 2021 Recovery with Equity Report to promote student success; facilitate the development and sustainability of occupational pathways; and report on progress and performance accordingly. Coastline's focus areas are on Supply Chain Management and Cybersecurity.
- Award: $200,000
- Term: 12/14/2022 - 06/30/2026
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Practices - Innovative Best Practices grant program: Coastline College - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)-Focused Professional Development Training Project
Under the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Practices - Innovative Best Practices grant program, Coastline College proposes the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)-Focused Professional Development Training Project. The project will focus on the primary goal of improving retention/persistence and completion rates of diverse student populations at Coastline College by developing DEIA-focused professional development opportunities to up-skill faculty and successfully expand their capacities to serve students, improving students’ experiences and outcomes. To help achieve this goal, the following two DEIA interventions are proposed: Intervention #1: Scale and Expand the Current Pilot Program of the Faculty Equity Course (FEC), and Intervention #2: Scale and Expand the Faculty Center Professional Development Series (FCPDS).
- Award: $299,937
- Term: 06/25/2023 - 06/30/2025
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) - Local Funds 2023-2024 Allocation
Project information forthcoming.
- Award: $516,652
- Term: 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2025
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) - Regional Funds 2023-2024 Allocation
Project information forthcoming.
- Award: $1,231,204
- Term: 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2025
Past Grants
23/24 Orange County United Way - OC Free Tax Prep Program (CalEITC Education & Outreach and Free Tax Prep Assistance)
Orange County United Way (OCUW), in partnership with the IRS is leading the OC Free Tax Prep Program benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The purpose of this campaign and grant is to increase our capacity to offer free tax preparation services as well as raise the quality of free tax preparation services across Orange County. These services are available to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring clients access to all eligible tax benefits during the upcoming tax filing season. Grant deliverables are divided between CalEITC (California, Earned Income Tax Credit) Education and Outreach activities, and Free Tax Prep Assistance. A post-season award is intended to encourage and compensate partner sites to serve the greatest number of eligible clients and achieve a high rate of tax return accuracy.
- Award: $14,000
- Term: 11/01/2023 – 07/31/2024
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) - Local Funds 2022-2023 Allocation
Project information forthcoming.
- Award: $483,333
- Term: 07/01/2022 - 06/30/2024
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) - Regional Funds 2022-2023 Allocation
Project information forthcoming.
- Award: $1,100,284
- Term: 07/01/2022 - 06/30/2024
California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Project (CCAP)
The California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Project (CCAP) focuses on an acute need for cybersecurity professionals to fill positions across the State for a variety of professional roles that exist in a stepped career pathway that leads to a position as a Cybersecurity Specialist/Technician. The Coast Community College District serves as the lead applicant and fiscal agent with Coastline College serving as the primary educational provider. Coastline is uniquely positioned for this role as the only California community college designated by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security (NSA/DHS), as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE).
To effectively execute CCAP the following objectives have been developed to help guide the project:
- Identify Cybersecurity curriculum for the Related and Supplemental Instruction component of the apprenticeship training model resulting in a Cybersecurity Technician pathway
- Establish a relationship with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) to outline the structure and standards of the apprenticeship
- Create a new Cybersecurity Technicians state apprenticeship training program recorded by the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, resulting in a minimum of 50 registered apprentices
- Develop a Unilateral Apprenticeship Committee (UAC) and recruit a minimum of nine representatives from local support agencies and employers to provide leadership in the development and operation of the CCAP.
California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program (CCAP)
- Award: $1,000,000
- Term: 01/18/2017 - 12/31/2020
Los Rios Sub Award - California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Project (CCAP)
Collaborative partnership with Los Rios Community College District on their federally supported initiative to enhance/support Coastline's California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Project (CCAP) supported by the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office. Coastline's apprentices will be registered with ApprenticeshipUSA. The ultimate goal is to train and place students into apprenticeships, preparing them for employment in a high-wage and high-growth industry.
California Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program (CCAP)
- Award: $50,000
- Term: 01/02/2019 - 07/31/2020
Cyber Up! Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Project
The Cyber Up! Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) project will develop and establish the new DFIR program at Coastline College to address the current and growing need for cybersecurity in the U.S. workforce by creating, adapting, adopting, and implementing course content and subsequent courses that build a Certificate of Achievement and an Associate of Science degree. Through the creation of the DFIR program, Coastline will develop adoptable educational resources, form academic, government, and industry partnerships, and prepare qualified cybersecurity technicians and professionals for entry into, or advancement within the U.S. workforce. The DFIR program will uniquely provide cybersecurity advancement through its various modalities, especially in that its content, courses, certificate, and degree will be available online.
Over the grant period, Coastline faculty will research and adapt a sequence of courses, develop and adopt curriculum, and create model course content, including virtual labs and faculty resources all within the specialized field of Digital Forensics and Incident Response to generate adoptable content and lead to a Certificate of Achievement and Associate of Science Degree. Through the project evaluation, the DFIR program's effectiveness in offering relevant and adoptable content will be assessed and improved. This will also support adaptation and replication by other institutions. Findings will be shared at conferences and via academic journals.
- Award: $224,296
- Term: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2021
California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Grant
California Community Colleges Guided Pathways is a multi-year state program designed to provide all California Community Colleges with the opportunity to implement Guided Pathways for the purpose of significantly improving student outcomes
- Award: $898,817
- Term: 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2022
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) – Regional Funds 2018/2019 Allocation
Project under the SWP – Regional Funds 2018/2019 allocation are:
Careers in Education Pathway – for developing careers in education pathways ($50,000), CyberPatriot – for providing K-12 cybersecurity competition pathways into regional community colleges ($420,000), Data Science Pathway Specialist – for developing data science pathways ($17,200), NetLab – for building out the virtual NetLab environment and providing virtual classrooms to colleges in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, plus the centralization of NetLab/Cisco equipment ($312,000), and Regional CTE Marketing ($47,296).
- Award: $846,496
- Term: 07/01/2018 - 12/31/2020
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) – Regional Funds 2019/2020 Allocation
Project under the SWP - Regional Funds 2019/2020 allocation are:
CyberPatriot - for providing K-12 cybersecurity competition pathways into regional community colleges ($296,240), NetLab - for building out the virtual NetLab environment and providing virtual classrooms to colleges in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, plus the centralization of NetLab/Cisco equipment ($126,960), and Regional Marketing ($30,000).
- Award: $453,200
- Term: 07/01/2019 - 12/31/2021
Improving Online CTE Pathways Grant Program
Creating new CTE pathways in Cyber Infrastructure, Data Visualization, Business, Mobile Forensics, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud with a focus to have every course be a master course and when applicable including zero- to no-cost textbooks. In addition, we are building a technical infrastructure for student tracking and learning outcomes. A virtual environment to store student assignments has been created as well.
- Award: $152,063
- Term: 07/01/19 - 06/3020 (Extension granted through 12/31/2020).
Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Student Reentry Grant
Coastline College has been awarded a grant from the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office under the Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Students Reentry Program RFA. The $113,636 award is to establish and support programs (July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021) serving formerly incarcerated students enrolled in community college or providing face-to-face instruction to community college students in prison or jail. Coastline's grant will be focused on the students’ reentry into their communities, through eight objectives, and associated activities (academic success coaching, peer mentoring, academic success workshops, personal success workshops, and financial literacy).
- Award: $113,636
- Term: 07/01/2019 - 12/31/2021
Umoja community is to promote student services and improved lifetime outcomes for all students through a curriculum that is responsive to the legacy of the African and African American Diasporas. This includes providing culturally relevant services and information to students of color and from diverse backgrounds. The Umoja Community is to transform, enrich, and advance the lives of students by infusing culturally relevant andragogy and practices. Umoja and the College shall work together to provide a program for African American and other underrepresented students in a manner consistent with and in furtherance of the established MOU and the Minimum Core Requirements.
- Award: $10,000
- Term: 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020
John Stauffer Charitable Trust Grant
The John Stauffer Charitable Trust Grant was awarded to Coastline College to build a cadaver dissection suite for the Biological Sciences and Allied Health Department and students at its Newport Beach campus. Construction took 10 months in 2023. The grand opening of the John Stauffer Human Anatomy Suite was on October 20, 2023. Classes in advance dissection begin spring 2024.
Watch: Grand Opening of the John Stauffer Human Anatomy Suite
The John Stauffer Charitable Trust is a private foundation based in Pasadena and established in 1974 under the Will of John Stauffer. Mr. Stauffer was the principal officer and shareholder of the former Stauffer Chemical Co., founded in San Francisco in the 1880s. In his Will, Mr. Stauffer expressed his desire that the Trust primarily support non-profit hospitals and colleges and universities in California. In recent years, the Trustees have emphasized grants to fund undergraduate student research, but the Trustees recognize the importance of this lab in the training of future health care professionals.
- Award: $475,156
- Term: 2021-2023
New Asian American Pacific Islander Generation Initiative (NAAPIGI)
The New AAPI Generation Initiative (NAAPIGI) grant seeks to improve the persistence and time to completion rates to match or exceed state averages for AAPI students. It will also seek to significantly increase the number of AAPI students who enroll full-time.
- Award: $1,500,000
- Term: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2020
2019/2020 WIOA, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) – Section 231 and Section 243
The WIOA, Title II: AEFLA grant provides supplemental funds for adult education to (1) assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency; (2) assist adults who are parents or family members to obtain education and skills; (3) assist adults in attaining a secondary school diploma and postsecondary education and training, including through career pathways; and (4) assist immigrants and other individuals who are English language learners.
- Award: $109,945 (Section 231 = $90,165; Section 243 = $19,780)
- Term: 07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020 (Extension to 09/30/2020 for expenditures provided by awarding agency)
2019/2020 Orange County United Way - OC Free Tax Campaign 2020 Tax Filing Season
Orange County United Way, in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance, is leading the OC Free Tax Prep Campaign benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The purpose of this grant is to support the capacity of United Way partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring clients access to all eligible tax benefits during the 2020 tax filing season.
- Award: $14,000 ($13,000 restricted; $1,000 unrestricted)
- Term: 12/20/2019 - 06/15/2020
Orange County Career Pathways Partnership (OCCPP)
Coastline College, working in conjunction with Santa Ana Unified School District, proposed to create three developmental courses for students utilizing contextualized learning techniques in the ICT discipline, to include learning support, faculty support, and gaming activities. Materials were developed to prepare students testing one level below college Math and college English to then take and pass the college placement exams for math and English. In addition to the basic skills Math and English courses, one English composition (ENG 100) course were written to include assignments and skills sets that match both the College English 100 and ICT (high school) career pathways writing requirements.
Building on its years of distance learning curriculum development experience, Coast Learning Systems would produce learning support materials, including gaming activities and faculty support materials to accompany the new courses. Materials would then be available for use by all of the regional partners for delivery of ICT pathway curriculum.
The Orange County Career Pathways Partnership will create a county-wide, self-sustaining infrastructure that builds, supports, and expands rigorous and innovative pathways. The OCCPP Regional Consortium will create opportunities for secondary and post-secondary (K-16) educators to work with industry partners in three target sectors: Health Care/Bio-Technology (HCBT); Engineering/Advanced Manufacturing and Design (EAMD); and Information Communication Technology/Digital Media (ICT). Each priority sector will produce competent graduates capable of securing high-skill, high-wage, high-growth positions.
- Award: $296,250
- Term: 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2018
- Outcomes: Offered courses and pathway days for K-12 students to build interest in CTE fields. Overall, Coastline has seen an increase in the number of first-time students transitioning to Coastline directly from high school.
Salary Assistance Grant for Japanese-Language Courses
The Salary Assistance Grant for Japanese-Language Courses provided Coastline College with funding to develop and teach Japanese language courses in an online format. Funding went towards the salary and benefits of an instructor to teach a Spring 2016 offering of Japanese 180; convert Japanese 180 and 185 courses to an online format; assist with textbook development; and pay instructors to serve as content reviewers for Japanese 180 and 185 courses.
- Award: $27,893
- Term: 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2016
- Outcomes: Provided an opportunity for Coastline to offer multiple sections of Japanese instruction in an online format which is accessible to students worldwide. Additionally, support from the Japan Foundation has allowed the College to hire a highly qualified, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic instructor for the development and delivery of the online Japanese program. Moreover, Coastline now has two well-developed and vetted online Japanese courses (Japanese 180 and Japanese 185) that reside in the International Languages department.
Sector Navigator-ICT/Digital Media Sector Grant (a.k.a. OC NetLab Consortium)
The OC NetLab Consortium (Coastline College, Cypress College, and Irvine Valley College) represent three levels of Cybersecurity/Networking curriculum and advanced NetLab technology within Orange County. The Consortium piloted the sharing of resources, expertise, training, and support between the three colleges in an effort to develop a model that could be expanded to include other colleges and high schools in the county. Coastline hosted staff development opportunities for faculty and technicians from the OC NetLab Consortium to learn to incorporate existing CSSIA curriculum into their classes and teach technical staff to setup and maintain their own NetLab Pods.
- Award: $46,750
- Term: 02/23/2015 - 06/30/2015
- Outcomes: Provided access to applications through virtual remote computing environments and established the model for Netlab resource sharing.
CyberWatch West (CWW)
CyberWatch West's mission is to expand cybersecurity education to the western states, with focus on four broad objectives: student development, faculty development, curriculum development, and outreach and partnerships. The intent is to increase the quantity and quality of the cybersecurity workforce. Dean, Nancy Jones from Coastline College, serving as a co-PI, worked with the CyberWatch West leadership team to facilitate the CWW objectives, including: 1) overseeing outreach to community colleges in California for the purpose of making them aware of CyberWatch West resources and joining CyberWatch West; 2) engaging California colleges in mapping curriculum to national standards; 3) assisting appropriate colleges with applying for the Center of Academic Excellence 2-Year (CAE2Y) designation; and 4) assisting with promoting the completion of the Transfer Model Curriculum for cybersecurity in California.
- Award: $104,256.70
- Term: 07/01/14 - 09/30/2016
- Outcomes: Provided faculty professional development and support for a variety of colleges seeking to become Centers of Academic Excellence.
Faculty Entrepreneurship Champion Mini-Grant (a.k.a. Student Café Feasibility Study)
As a pilot project, research the plausibility of having Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) or Intellectual Development (ID) students run a self-sustaining Café, or food cart. The outcomes of the feasibility study were a simple business plan and budget, project assignments involving multiple disciplines (Accounting, Business, and Legal), interaction with the Deputy Sector Navigator for Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism, and potentially new courses and course outlines.
- Award: $5,000
- Term: 04/13/2015 - 06/30/2015
- Outcomes: Produced a feasibility study on the potential of establishing student-run cafes at Coastline’s Newport Beach Center, Garden Grove Center, and Le-Jao Center.
2014/15 Orange County United Way - Free Tax Prep Campaign (Partner Stipend and Award Grant Agreement)
Orange County United Way in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance is leading the Free Tax Prep Campaign benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The grant purpose is to support the capacity of 2014 OCUW partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation services to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring client's access to all eligible tax benefits. The OCUW Partner Stipend and Award Program is available to qualifying partner agencies offering free tax preparation services. OCUW partner stipends are intended to increase the permanent capacity of sites so they may expand their direct service delivery to their client population. Awards will be granted to partner agencies who demonstrate exceptional success serving their client population using their Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) and/or Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).
- Award: $2,000
- Term: 12/12/2014 - 06/15/2015
- Outcomes: Hosted ten tax events at Coastline with a total of 199 tax clients served.
2015/16 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act - ESL Section 231 and El Civics
ESL Section 231 and EL Civics target non-native English speakers and provides supplemental funding to support the adult education and literacy instruction necessary to serve California's adults. A second focus is to assist adults in mastering the civic institutions and citizenship preparation skills necessary to become successful participants in American society.
- Award: ESL Section 231 - $77,452 and EL Civics - $14,639. Total award - $92,091
- Term: 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2016
- Outcomes: Provided direct support for Coastline’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program, including funding instructors to teach courses, funding instructional aides and associates, purchasing instructional and non-instructional supplies, curriculum development, assessment, and staff development activities.
2014/15 California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT2) - Implementation Grant
The goal of the CCPTII grant is to build partnerships between schools, community colleges, and employers. This award will fund the development of pathways between SAUSD and Coastline College to improve student transition into postsecondary education, training, and employment.
- Award: $332,380 (2015-2016 Award: $193,841 2016-2017 Award: $193,841)
- Term: 07/01/2015 - 06/30/2017
- Outcomes: Enrolled K-12 students in Coastline cybersecurity courses and awarded certificates to students completing short-term pathways.
2015 Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Stimulus Grant Award
Coastline to assess and streamline the college's Credit for Prior Learning (CLP) policies and practices to enhance its capabilities to effectively and efficiently evaluate military training and experience. MECTBD, will hire dedicated Program Matter Expert (PMEs) comprised of Coastline faculty and military professionals, to work together to identify gaps in processes, assess curriculum and military training, and make recommendations that support the educational needs of our military and veteran student population. The project will deliver an institutional best practice that may be utilized by faculty in the review of military training for credit applicable to courses, certificates, and degrees.
- Award: $5,000
- Term: 03/27/2015 - 03/31/2016
- Outcomes: For the Credits for Prior Learning (CPL) Option for military transfer credit, Coastline's Business Department Chair developed an Armed Services Evaluation worksheet and review process which correlates the ACE Military Skill Level experience and competencies to the course content for which credit is being considered. Completed documentation included:
- Armed Services Training and Experience Evaluation worksheet
- ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services
- Coastline Course Outline of Record. This documentation provides the evaluation criteria and recommended Credit (units) to be awarded
In addition, CPL awareness resources were created.
A one-year planning phase aimed at strengthening, bringing to scale, and measuring the effectiveness of elements of the college's Rx for Success Online Learning Initiative at three AANAPISI partner institutions in the Pacific Islands (partner institutions).
- Award: $39,460
- Term: 08/01/2015 - 07/31/2016
- Outcomes: Assisted various colleges from the Pacific Islands to identify needs and opportunities to strengthen their online infrastructure and expand access to students to obtain information.
CyberWatch West (CWW) Renewal
CyberWatch West's mission is to expand cybersecurity education to the western states, with focus on four broad objectives: student development, faculty development, curriculum development, and outreach and partnerships. The intent is to increase the quantity and quality of the cybersecurity workforce. Dean, Nancy Jones from Coastline College, serving as a co-PI, will work with the CyberWatch West leadership team to facilitate the CWW objectives: 1) build upon and expand CWW's current successful models and practices to disseminate effective models of internships; 2) Expand CWW's current work in identifying and disseminating statewide models for articulation and make recommendations for a national model and replication; 3) Facilitate in the development of transfer model curriculum (TMC) to enable a 2+2 pathway in California in cybersecurity education; 4) assist returning veterans to transition from military service into college and the workforce; 5) proactively assess and document credit equivalency models of veterans' prior leaning and military experience; 6) increase participation of women in cybersecurity education through career pathways events and programs aimed at women; and 7) work with industry to secure support for student chapters of professional organizations such as InfraGard, HTCIA, and ISACA.
- Award: $61,596
- Term: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
- Outcomes: Promoted models for articulation and curriculum development in professional learning and conference events. Updated the prior leaning and military experience frameworks.
ICT/Digital Media Mini-Grant (CyberPatriot Competition)
The purpose of the ICT/Digital Media grant received by Rancho Santiago Community College District is to disseminate funds to community colleges for them to implement the ICT/Digital Media program to ensure a skilled workforce in support of the regional economy and industry sector and to establish career pathways for the regional community into those regional economies. Coastline College will coordinate the CyberPatriot competition team project, which includes four major elements:
- outreach to all high school districts in Orange County
- coach training for high school coaches
- help with the CyberPatriot team registration fees
- virtual hosting of a cybersecurity competition
Southern California Community College Consortium on Cybersecurity
- Award: $10,000
- Term: 07/21/2015 - 12/31/2015
- Outcomes: Conducted various outreach activities and event planning occurred throughout August and September 2015 leading to the Practice Round event on October 17, 2015 at Coastline's Garden Grove Center. During the seven-hour Practice Round event, coaches and students received three hours of training to prepare for the practice images that the students played with for three hours for hands-on practice. Over 100 students consisting of 27 teams from 14 schools attended the Practice Round to prepare for the upcoming scored rounds. The competition officially began with the Round One event, which was hosted for Orange County high schools and middle schools at Coastline on November 14, 2015. Scores from Round One were added to scores from Round Two, which was hosted again at Coastline on December 5, 2015. The scores from these rounds were combined to determine the tier at which teams will compete during the State Round hosted January 30, 2016.
Overall program costs include stipends, event hosting, and team registration fees. Stipends are paid to cover outreach, event planning, and NetLab setup. Event hosting costs cover food, refreshments, and supplies.
Faculty Entrepreneurship Champion Mini-Grant Project (Accounting and Business Entrepreneurial Certificates)
Review of existing inventory of CTE approved accounting and business certificates' viability for substituting and/or adding ACCT C116 Accounting for Entrepreneurs and Non-Financial Managers into existing certificates; identification of possible new entrepreneurship certificates and associated cross discipline curriculum components for ESL, Business & Accounting.
- Award: $7,500
- Term: 12/03/2015 - 06/30/2016
- Outcomes: Developed certificates in entrepreneurship, which has led to enrollment and completion of certificates in the area.
Safety Technician Career Pathways Apprenticeship Program (STCPAP)
The Safety Technician Career Pathway Apprenticeship Program (STCPAP) is proposed in response to increased demand for a skilled and agile workforce in the petrochemical and construction industries. The goal of the STCPAP is to provide an innovative apprenticeship model that embraces comprehensive strategies for a skilled workforce in the petrochemical and construction industries; while creating opportunities for apprentices to enter and advance in well-paid careers. STCPAP will be built upon an existing partnership of committed industry, labor, workforce, and community partners. Central to the development of STCPAP are the safety technician curriculum and extensive employer networks maintained by the Occupational Safety Councils of America (OSCA), which has trained 800 technicians since 2012 with a 90% employment placement rate. OSCA will be the lead training provider for STCPAP. Coastline College, as the lead applicant and fiscal agent, will be the implementing college and offers an extensive list of Career Technical Education (CTE) courses. The South Bay Workforce Investment Board, with a 38-year history of successfully administering employment and training programs, will leverage the workforce services of the local America's Job Centers. Coastline College received an amended Grant Agreement Factsheet extending the performance period to June 30, 2017.
- Award: $150,000 (Coastline $57,249, plus $5,769 indirect costs. Partners $86,982)
- Term: 01/21/2016 - 02/01/2017
- Outcomes: Increased the number of degrees and certificates in the Process Technology program. There also has been an increase in the rate of students obtaining jobs and a living wage.
2015/16 Orange County United Way - Free Tax Prep Campaign (Starting Allocation)
Orange County United Way (OCUW) in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance is leading the Free Tax Prep Campaign benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The grant purpose is to support the capacity of OCUW partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation services to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring client's access to all eligible tax benefits. The OCUW Partner Stipend and Award Program is available to qualifying partner agencies offering free tax preparation services. OCUW partner stipends are intended to increase the permanent capacity of sites so they may expand their direct service delivery to their client population. Awards will be granted to partner agencies who demonstrate exceptional success serving their client population using their Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) and/or Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA). Coastline College received a grant stipend, which can be used in a variety of ways to support the administration of the 2015/16 OCUW's Free Tax Prep Campaign program.
- Award: 5,600
- Term: 12/05/2015 - 06/15/2016
- Outcomes: Hosted 12 tax events at Coastline with a total of 65 taxpayers receiving FSA service, and another 239 receiving VITA service.
Basic Skills and Student Outcomes Acceleration Project (BSSOAP)
The preeminent problem being addressed by the Basic Skills Student Outcomes Acceleration Project (BSSOAP) application from Coastline College is that students participating in the College's Basic Skills English and math sequences are underperforming in the areas of placement, success, retention, persistence, and completion in comparison with the overall College rates. The problem stems from the College having a two-level-below English and three-level-below math Basic Skills course sequence prior to completion of college-level English and math. It is known that once assigned to remediation, relatively few students successfully complete college-level coursework in these subject areas and go on to achieve their educational goals. In addition to the identified instructional sequencing flaws, the College is also lacking a few essential, high-quality, proactive student support services, which have been found successful in pilot projects on a smaller scale. Coastline, through engagement with faculty, counselors, administration, and students, found there are
- limited support personnel to guide and promote student academic success
- limited pre-assessment support to help students optimize readiness for English and math placement exams. Under BSSOAP, Coastline proposes the following interventions: Academic Success Coach Program, Pre-Assessment Prep Academies, and Accelerated Learning
- Award: $1,336,760
- Term: 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2019
- Outcomes: Transitioned successfully to accelerated math and English (AB-705) and resulting in a greater number of students completing college-level math and English. Coastline has established a successful Academic Success Coach Program with more than 1,000 students being engaged annually by the coaches.
2016/17 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act - ESL Section 231 and El Civics
ESL Section 231 and El Civics target non-native English speakers and provides supplemental funding to support the adult education and literacy instruction necessary to serve California's adults. A second focus is to assist adults in mastering the civic institutions and citizenship preparation skills necessary to become successful participants in American society.
- Award: ESL Section 231 - $61,056 and EL Civics - $21,861. Total award - $82,917
- Term: 07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017
- Outcomes: Provided direct support for Coastline’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program, including funding instructors to teach courses, plus provide curriculum development, assessment, and staff development activities. Funding also supported instructional aides and associates to register students in the program, maintain grant records, administer CASAS tests, and generate TOPSpro reports. A portion of funds also went towards purchasing instructional and non-instructional supplies, grant-related texts and software, and advertising for program outreach.
ICT/Digital Media Mini-Grant (CyberPatriot Competition - Round 2)
The purpose of the ICT/Digital Media grant received by Rancho Santiago Community College District is to disseminate funds to community colleges for them to implement the ICT/Digital Media program to ensure a skilled workforce in support of the regional economy and industry sector and to establish career pathways for the regional community into those regional economies. Coastline College will coordinate the CyberPatriot competition team project, which includes four major elements:
- outreach to all high school districts in Orange County
- coach training for high school coaches
- help with the CyberPatriot team registration fees
- virtual hosting of a cybersecurity competition
Southern California Community College Consortium on Cybersecurity
- Award: $12,000
- Term: 04/26/2016 to 12/31/2016
- Outcomes: Participated in the 2016-2017 CyberPatriot competitions by hosting competition events, paying for the registration of the CyberPatriot teams, providing mentoring and tutoring for the participants and training for the K-12 coaches. There was a total of 22 teams that participated on site with an additional 25 teams that competed on their local campus reaching a combined total of 228 K-12 students and faculty. Student participants were enrolled in six different K-12 districts in Orange County. The competitions were very successful with six teams moving on to the Regional Round in February.
In addition to the competitions, the Southern California Community College Consortium on Cybersecurity headed by Professor Tobi West received the CyberPatriot designation as a Center of Excellence from the Air Force Association.
Innovation and Effectiveness Grant
The grant request for Coastline College's Innovation and Effectiveness Plan is for funding to support four areas of focus, which are:
- Pathways - Scale guided pathways with emphasis in structured academic maps and student educational cycles (i.e. course combination sequencing, onboarding, educational planning, advising) that accommodate full-time and part-time students in online, face-to-face, and blended environments
- Student Learning Outcomes - Develop meaningful strategies for collection and analysis of SLOs
- Communication - Strengthen and streamline internal communication that promotes college-wide engagement
- Professional Development Infrastructure - Improve infrastructure for professional development and strengthen the College's professional development program.
Each area of focus is supported by a framework of action steps, responsible person(s), target dates for achievement, measures of progress, and resources to support the action steps.
- Award: $200,000
- Term: 06/04/2017 - 06/03/2019
- Outcomes: Guided Pathways - Planned and hosted over 13 college-wide events and activities to build awareness and engagement of employees and students in the guided pathways movement. The College also participated in statewide IEPI events focused on guided pathways. The strategies of engagement included two college-wide Flex Days on guided pathways (n=350 per event) and a deep-dive assessment with 15 cross-functional focus groups (n=105). This was followed by an analysis and discussion of focus group results where common themes were identified (n=30). Other group engagement activities included cross-functional collaboration between classified professionals and management to understand the purpose of pathways, identify hopes and fears associated with pathways, and ways to engage classified professionals in guided pathways at the College (n=220). Additionally, the College hosted 25 faculty discipline groups with guided pathways-focused activities (e.g., career clustering, opportunity assessment). The College also used a collective approach to develop the CCCCO self-assessment through a college-wide survey (n=147) and qualitative assessment by the Guided Pathway's Steering Committee (n=28). In 2018-19, the College hosted equity and inclusion training to support the Guided Pathway's equity-mindset framework (n=155) and hosted a two-day Guided Pathways planning retreat with six work groups that develop implementation plans (n=72). The accreditation quality focus essay was drafted and focused on professional development strategies in support of guided pathways implementation.
In 2018-19 the College rebranded Guided Pathways as Coastline Pathways. The College also completed its accreditation quality focus essay on Coastline Pathways. The College continued its work on Coastline Pathways with the development of the 90 plans for initiative implementation. To build awareness of Coastline Pathways, the College created print materials and hosted a local Guided Pathways fair to strengthen employee engagement (n=50).
To support continuous growth in the area of Guided Pathways, a team of researchers attended the annual RP Group annual conference to learn different ways colleges were engaging data coaches. The College developed an online data coaching program which launched June 3 with a cohort of 31 participants.
Student Learning Outcomes - The renovation of the student learning outcome (SLO) assessment process was led by the SLO faculty coordinator (Exp. 1000 series), and the Institutional Effectiveness, Institutional Effectiveness Analyst (Exp. 2000 series) leading to the development and update of the SLO Handbook, five-year SLO assessment planning dashboard, program student learning outcomes (PSLOs) and institutional learning outcomes (ISLOs) survey instrument and data dashboards. The SLO Cloud reporting tool was developed, and training was provided in spring 2018 and fall 2018 at the faculty Flex day. A series of trainings were held throughout the fall and spring semester to provide technical support using the SLO Cloud. The spring 2019 term concluded with a faculty training session and event related to SLOs. The event provided hands-on training to faculty members (n= 30) and supported planning for the upcoming year. The fourth assessment of postgraduate PSLOs and ISLOs assessment will be conducted in summer 2019, and the data dashboards and reports will continue to be updated online. The College developed an SLO data dashboard which provided a look at student outcomes by course and modality. In addition, the College has been tracking progress towards for full institutional adoption and utilization of the SLO Cloud. To support continuous growth in the area of SLOs, a team of researchers and faculty attended the annual ACCJC annual conference to learn different ways colleges were using SLO data. The College recently made updates to the Program Review process to encourage more dialog of SLO findings. The College completed its third PACE survey, and it showed a higher rate of satisfaction with SLOs.
Professional Development Infrastructure - The Professional Development Committee developed an infrastructure that outlines the availability of professional development to the different constituency groups. The committee also developed the framework for a two-year professional development plan. The professional development plan will tie closely to the accreditation quality focus essay and will be aligned with the College's movement towards guided pathways. The Professional Development Committee developed the new infrastructure and proposed it to the College Council for review and approval. The college developed awareness materials to promote events happing at the Colleges new Faculty Success Center. The College completed its third PACE survey, and it showed a higher rate of satisfaction with Professional Development.
Communication - The College completed its second assessment on communication and engagement. The results of the survey showed an increase in satisfaction with communication. The findings from the community engagement survey revealed an increase across all metrics of engagement. The College conducted its third PACE survey, and it showed a higher rate of satisfaction with communication.
The College hosted open forum meetings with the Executive cabinet at the various campus locations. The College has continued the creation and distribution of newsletters and infographics on news, information, planning, governance, and accreditation.
The College has invested in a new telephone and messaging system which provides easy access for real-time digital communication. The College also invested in the redevelopment of the College website to provide easier access to information and resources for students and staff. Coastline also invested in a new communication tool to better engage with students and employees at the College.
Cybersecurity Instructional Success Network (CISN)
In response to the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA0-003-16) for National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense - Two-Year Education (CAE2Y) - CAE2Y Grant Pilot Program, Coastline College, part of the Coast Community College District, will establish a CAE-CD Regional Resource Center to provide assistance to the 113 California community colleges and other western regional colleges in preparation for their application for the CAE2Y designation. Assistance will consist of CAE2Y application specific training in collaboration with the NIETP CAE Program Office, the provision of peer review opportunities of CAE2Y applications, and the hosting of faculty development workshops and webinars focused on cybersecurity education training and cybersecurity institutional activities. Additionally, Coastline will serve as a CAE2Y community resource center to CAE2Y colleges and those interested in applying for the designation.
- Award: $163,696
- Term: 09/20/2016 - 09/20/2018
- Outcomes: Provided a resources page, tools, and training to support colleges to become CAEs. This was demonstrated on professional development events and regional and national presentations.
AB 798 Textbook Affordability Program
To enable Coastline Community College faculty to adopt free and open educational materials in at least twelve course sections (English and History) by June 30, 2017, thus making education at Coastline Community College more affordable to students.
- Award: $12,000
- Term: 11/01/2016 - 04/30/2018
- Outcomes: Converted a total of 48 course sections to adopt free and open educational materials. Total cost savings is estimated at $131,638 for 1,405 students enrolled as of Spring 2018.
Catalyzing Computing and Cybersecurity in Community Colleges (C5) Mentor Institution
Whatcom Community College (WCC), as the lead of the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded grant, Catalyzing Computing and Cybersecurity in Community Colleges (C5), Grant Agreement #DGE-1548315, is contracting for this service. The grant award stipulates that WCC shall serve as fiscal agent and responsible agency for the project. The C5 project supports mentor services to mentee institutions in their quest to either improve the cybersecurity curriculum at their institution, or for their institution to apply to become a Center of Academic Excellence - Two Year (CAE2Y). WCC will provide up to $5,000 upon approved progress made by Nancy Jones, CTE Dean at Coastline College, for successful mentorship of two mentee colleges as outlined in a separate contract between WCC and CCCD/CCC. Nancy Jones will work with Corrinne Sande, Co-PI for C5 project, to provide mentor services to appointed mentee institutions.
- Award: $5,000
- Term: 01/01/2016 - 08/31/2017
- Outcomes: Hosted professional development for other institutions and faculty members related to becoming CAEs.
CTE Data Unlocked
Rancho Santiago Community College District is the Fiscal Agent for the CTE Data Unlocked Initiative, Prime Award #15-197-001, from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Workforce and Economic Development Division and has subcontracted with Coast Community College District/Coastline College to support CTE program development and improvement efforts by providing a suite of tools, training, technical assistance and outcome and labor market data for the California community colleges. Coastline's main efforts will be focused on data clean-up, maintenance, and assistance with integrating data into the College’s program planning processes.
- Award: $50,000
- Term: 07/19/2016 - 10/31/2017
- Outcomes: Updated TOP Codes for many of the academic programs. In addition, the College developed post-graduation surveys to capture post-graduation outcomes and create data dashboards to measure Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs). In addition, the college developed dashboards to capture employment outcomes.
California Community Colleges Civic Impact Project
This project aims to increase voter registration and voter participation on community college campuses across California, educate students on the democratic process, and provide work-based learning opportunities for students. The overarching goal of the project is to increase civic participation in American life by engaging community college students in issues that affect the community, state, and nation as a means to promote lifelong civics-related skills, career paths, and volunteerism. Grant activities include, but are not limited to: 1.) participating in the All In Campus Democracy Challenge, 2.) participating in the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement, 3.) recruit a student outreach team to lead peer-to-peer voter registration efforts in Fall 2016, 4.) select at least one student to participate in the California Community College Civic Impact Fellows program in Spring 2017, and 5.) respond to a follow-up survey in November 2016.
- Award: $10,000
- Term: 10/19/2016 - 06/30/2017 (Extension granted through 12/31/2019)
- Outcomes: Conducted non-partisan activities, which included voter registration tabling, printed and electronic information sheets on CA 2018 Primary Elections, Constitution Day activities (distributed pocket Constitution books on campus), civic engagement student seminar with a voter registration opportunity and bi-partisan information session, and a webcasted presentation on engaging all perspectives of civil discourse.
2017 CAE-CD National and Regional Resource Centers and FY17 Cybersecurity Workforce Education Initiatives
In response to the CAE Cyber Defense Grant Solicitation (S-001-2017) and addressing Regional Hub CRRC Additional Responsibilities proposed by the CAE-CD program office, Coastline College, part of the Coast Community College District, who is a designated Center of Academic Excellence - Two-Year and a CAE Regional Resource Center will reach out to colleges and universities in the western region (California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Hawaii, and Alaska) with the purpose of fostering interest and providing assistance in the CAE program development and application process for non-CAE institutions and helping existing CAE designees to further develop their programs and focus area designations. The states of Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska will be given special attention, as they currently do not have any CAE designations. Coastline plans to support this undertaking through five targeted initiatives: 1) developing interest in the CAE designation and strengthening programs in colleges and universities in states where there are no CAE designated institutions; 2.) advising non-CAE designated colleges and universities in states that currently have CAE designated institutions; 3.) providing professional development and training opportunities; 4.) supporting and building a regional community within the existing CAE institutions in the western region; and 5.) providing colleges and universities with a competition advisor and consultant to help institutions build their collegiate CyberPatriot competition teams. These funds will be used in conjunction with the proposed project "Coastline Community College CRRC FY17 Activities".
- Award: $50,000 (initial award), plus $50,000 (supplemental award) = $100,000
- Term: 01/20/2017 - 01/19/2018
- Outcomes: Provided the Southwestern CAE institutions opportunities to collaborate, communicate, and develop cutting edge skills needed to further cybersecurity education. In addition, the grant funds provided assistance to 13 institutions that are in program development in the form of consultations with an advisor, funding for attendance to professional development activities/meetings, and collaboration with other institutions. The CRRC also applied for an NSF grant to allow the Southwestern CAE institutions to have access to a cyber range to give their students hands-on opportunities and while the application was not successful, the collaboration was invaluable. Grant funding was used for activities and personnel that supported the CAE institutions including attendance at regional meetings at conferences, travel and registration of professional development workshops, and travel for CAE institutions to conferences. Moving on in the future, the CRRC plans to continue the collaboration efforts that have been initiated and continue to support both the CAE institutions and those colleges and universities in program development.
2016/17 Orange County United Way - Free Tax Prep Campaign (Tax Filing Season 2017)
Orange County United Way (OCUW) in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance is leading the OC Free Tax Prep Campaign benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The grant purpose is to support the capacity of OCUW partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation services to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring client's access to all eligible tax benefits during the 2017 tax filing season. The grant is available to qualifying partner agencies offering free tax preparation services, in line with IRS guidelines, and through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) using MyFreeTaxes.com. Funding will support campaign communication and advertising materials, volunteer recruitment and training, and other support such as staffing, supplies, food, and refreshments for associated events.
- Award: $3,000
- Term: 12/21/2016 - 06/15/2017
- Outcomes: Provided tax preparation services to members of the community.
2017/18 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act - ESL Section 231 and El Civics
ESL Section 231 and El Civics target non-native English speakers and provides supplemental funding to support the adult education and literacy instruction necessary to serve California's adults. A second focus is to assist adults in mastering the civic institutions and citizenship preparation skills necessary to become successful participants in American society.
- Award: Section 231 - $88,110 and Section 243 - $44,076. Total award - $132,186
- Term: 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018
- Outcomes: Provided direct support for Coastline’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program, including funding instructors to teach grant-related courses, plus provide curriculum development, reporting, teacher training, assessment, and staff development activities. Funding also supported instructional aides and associates to support CASAS pre- and post-testing, non-credit intake, assist in labs, and a program-based institutional researcher. A portion of funds also went towards purchasing instructional and non-instructional supplies, grant-related texts and software, and advertising for program outreach.
Awareness and Expansion of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Non-instructional assignments for faculty to convert courses to OER.
- Award: $7,000 (U.S. Bank Foundation) $5,600 (Coastline Foundation)
- Term: 10/03/2017 - 08/31/2018
- Outcomes: Adopted zero-cost course materials at an accelerating rate over the past two years. For instance: Fall 2017 = 30 sections regular, 23 sections CE/mil (53 total); Spring 2018 = 40 sections regular, 30 sections CE/mil (70 total); and Fall 2018 = 95 sections regular, 47 sections CE/mil (142 total). The following faculty recipients of the zero-cost mini-grants completed their projects on time at a high level of quality:
- Tanya Murray provided professional development to Bio instructors and developed a BIOL C100 (Introduction to Biology) zero-cost master online Canvas course.
- William Diaz-Brown converted the HIST C175 (U.S. History since 1876) telecourse to zero-cost materials.
- Jean Dupon wrote an OER lab manual for CHEM C110 (Introduction to Chemistry).
- Amy Evangelista and Jordan Huynh created a COUN C104 (Career/Life Planning) zero-cost master online Canvas course.
- Nancy Parent created a HLTH C223 (Healthy Aging) OER textbook.
- Karen Morehouse and Marilyn Brock, in collaboration with Maribeth Daniel and Marilyn Fry, wrote an OER textbook for ENGL C103 (Business English).
- Petra Petry developed materials to convert online SPAN (Spanish) courses to zero-cost.
ICT/Digital Media Mini-Grant (CyberPatriot Competition Teams)
The purpose of the ICT/Digital Media grant is to disseminate funds to community colleges for them to implement the ICT/Digital Media program to ensure a skilled workforce in support of the regional economy and industry sector and to establish career pathways for the regional community into those regional economies. Coastline College will coordinate the CyberPatriot competition team project, which includes the following major elements: 1.) outreach to all high school districts in Orange County, 2.) training for high school coaches, 3.) assisting with the CyberPatriot team enrollment cost, 4.) hosting cybersecurity competitions, 5.) hosting training sessions and mock competitions, 6.) provision of team mentors for high school teams, and 7.) leadership for community college CyberPatriot program. REVISION: Coastline College received a revision for additional funding from Rancho Santiago Community College District.
- Award: $12,000 (REVISION to previously approved grant to increase award by $6,000 from $12,000 to $18,000).
- Term: 06/12/2017 - 12/31/2017
- Outcomes: Participated in the 2017-2018 CyberPatriot season and, with the assistance of the ICT/Digital Media Mini-Grant, hosted a summer camp, monthly training events, and competitions, paid registration fees, and provided transportation for middle- and high-school teams. Seven Orange County K-12 districts participated in the events with 36 teams totaling 180 students. Training was also provided for the coaches. Eight onsite teams and 22 offsite teams advanced to the semi-finals, with nine of those teams being from middle schools. Three of those offsite teams will advance to the national competition in March 2018.
FY17 CAE Regional Resource Center's (CRRC) Activities
Additional funding to further support CAE Regional Resource Center (CRRC) events and activities. Coastline College, part of the Coast Community College District, will establish a CAE-CD Regional Resource Center to provide assistance to the 113 California community colleges and other western regional colleges in preparation for their application for the CAE2Y designation. Assistance will consist of CAE2Y application specific training in collaboration with the NIETP CAE Program Office, the provision of peer review opportunities of CAE2Y applications, and the hosting of faculty development workshops and webinars focused on cybersecurity education training and cybersecurity institutional activities. Additionally, Coastline will serve as a CAE2Y community resource center to CAE2Y colleges and those interested in applying for the designation.
- Award: $89,140.92
- Term: 09/22/2017 - 09/21/2018 (Extension granted through 09/21/2019)
- Outcomes: Served as the hub for the Western, and then the Southwestern, CAE Regional Resource Center activities. Provided an opportunity where institutions come together to share ideas, write grants, review peer curriculum, and gather to discuss CAE issues, institutions within the region have grown and developed a strong educational framework that increases the cyber workforce of tomorrow. The Southwestern CRRC (Coastline College) has been able to achieve the deliverables of Collaboration, Faculty Development, Program Development, and an increase in the CAE designation awareness. The number of CAE designated institutions rose by 142 percent to 58 two- and four-year institutions. In addition, institutions collaborated on projects and grants to drive cybersecurity education to the next level. These efforts of the CRRC have provided a foundation for future activities that will serve the mission of the Southwestern Region. The institutions of the Southwest Region are providing a pathway to a strong, well-qualified workforce of the future.
DoD IASP Cybersecurity Workforce Education (CTE Pilot - K-12 Pathways)
The Coastline CTE Cyber Pathways project is focusing on review of cyber pathway models and the ultimate development and adoption of K-12 cyber pathways that are offered during the bell, after the bell, and through dual enrollment with a community college partner. Working in collaboration with the California State Department of Education and the state C-ID CIS/Cybersecurity Model Curriculum (community college) committee, the project will bring faculty and instructors together to develop pathways, including best practices and implementation strategies. The outcomes from this grant will be disseminated at local, regional, state, and national conferences where appropriate. Anticipated project goals include: 1. Review cybersecurity K-12 pathway models that are being discussed in the western states; 2. Participate in discussions regarding cybersecurity K-12 pathways with the California Department of Education and faculty/instructors in the field; 3. To develop a K-12 pathway that aligns with the Center for Academic Excellence post-secondary designation knowledge units outlined by the National Security Administration (NSA); 4. Work with the C-ID CIS/Cybersecurity Model Curriculum committee to ensure the alignment and transfer options for the K-12 cybersecurity pathway; and 5. Disseminate project deliverables at conferences and workshops.
- Award: $214,983
- Term: 09/26/2017 - 09/25/2018 (Extension granted through 09/25/2019)
- Outcomes: Provided opportunities for faculty and state leadership to review national standards and state plans and consider pathway templates that could be used throughout the state to improve the cybersecurity workforce of the future. A general workshop was help as a listening and understanding workshop so colleges and K-12 faculty could come together and understand each other's perspectives, barriers, and obstacles that are faced by each segments - institution in creating a cybersecurity pathway. Following the listening workshop, state meetings were held in both Sacramento, California and Phoenix, Arizona to review national standards and state regulations and they discussed pathway options to improve the curriculum pathways. Changing state curriculum and standards in a difficult and time-consuming task but that work has started, and the vision is in place. California and Arizona are equipped to move new cybersecurity standards forward.
Orange County Regional Education Futures Project
Coastline has three main objectives for its program, which will also address strategic components and meet target populations:
- Establish a database and tracking system of education students and courses
- Develop and implement a micro certificate to prepare instructors to teach CTE courses
- Develop and improve communication and information channels to students and among partners along with strengthening and expanding partnerships with key stakeholders
The primary goal of TEACh3 is to address K-12 teacher shortages, including increased access to teacher preparation training in STEM. Coastline specifically focuses on students who cannot easily attend onsite, face-to-face classes, using various modalities as alternatives to traditional courses. This creates increased access while offering equivalent quality and rigor of site-based classes, regardless of where students are located.
- Award: $60,000
- Term: 02/01/2018 - 10/31/2019
- Outcomes: Education Futures grant funding achieved the following:
- Development (still evolving) of a tracking system for improved data monitoring and system infrastructure. The unique structure of our program can present challenges for accurate data collection and accompanying alignment with the student funding formula and College Report Cards. Most difficult: to convince administrators that our program is not at all small, with unimpressive numbers. Our major accomplishment in this regard was to solidify uniform methods to identity and track student participation with a special emphasis on counting those groups of students often left out by traditional data sources.
- Also, regarding data monitoring and system infrastructure, there have been four administrations of a survey to students in the benchmark education classes where the results have been used to make better data driven decisions. This includes substantiating our perception that we have a unique student body, but many of them may not fit in to the usual data categories, and to assist us with outreach, engagement, and retention for target student populations. Survey analysis continues to corroborate the challenges we face when numbers are based on traditional measures. The advancement and evolving progress related to data monitoring can be seen in each subsequent report we have submitted.
- Improved communication and information channels, along with strategies for promotion.
- Increased options for teacher prep pathways.
2017/18 Orange County United Way - OC Free Tax Prep Campaign (Tax Filing Season 2018)
Orange County United Way (OCUW) in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance is leading the OC Free Tax Prep Campaign benefiting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The grant purpose is to support the capacity of OCUW partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation services to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring client's access to all eligible tax benefits during the 2018 tax filing season. The grant is available to qualifying partner agencies offering free tax preparation services, in line with IRS guidelines, and through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) using MyFreeTaxes.com. Funding will support campaign communication and advertising materials, volunteer recruitment and training, and other support such as staffing, supplies, food, and refreshments for associated events.
- Award: $3,000
- Term: 12/22/2017 - 06/15/2018
- Outcomes: Provided tax preparation services to members of the community.
Coast Mental Health Impact Program
The colleges within Coast Community College District are developing and scaling mental health services through the provision of resources, information, and support through referrals and counseling to students seeking mental health services. The total grant for Coast CCD is $350,000.
- Award: $107,921
- Term: 07/01/2018 - 06/30/2020
- Outcomes: Supported the establishment of Mental Health Services at Coastline, which included hiring of two Mental Health Counselors, providing professional development opportunities, and providing mental health operational and therapy supplies.
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) – Regional Funds 2017/2018 Allocation
Project under the SWP - Regional Funds 2017/2018 allocation are:
Careers in Education Pathway - for developing careers in education pathways ($50,000), CyberPatriot – for providing K-12 cybersecurity competition pathways into regional community colleges ($420,000), NetLab – for building out the virtual NetLab environment and providing virtual classrooms to colleges in Los Angeles and Orange County, plus the centralization of NetLab/Cisco equipment ($430,000), and Regional CTE Marketing – for local CTE marketing ($61,968).
- Award: $961,968
- Term: 07/01/2017 - 12/31/2019
- Outcomes: Held CyberPatriot events monthly with over 150 students in attendance at the Garden Grove campus.
2018/19 Orange County United Way - OC Free Tax Prep Campaign (Tax Filing Season 2019)
Orange County United Way (OCUW), in partnership with the IRS and members of the Orange County Financial Stability Alliance, is leading the OC Free Tax Prep Campaign benefitting low- and moderate-income families throughout Orange County. The purpose of this grant is to support the capacity of United Way partner sites across Orange County to provide free tax preparation to eligible low- and moderate-income families, ensuring clients access to all eligible tax benefits during the 2019 tax filing season.
- Award: $9,000 ($8,000 restricted; $1,000 unrestricted)
- Term: 12/20/2018 - 06/15/2019
- Outcomes: Hosted 13 tax events with 269 tax returns accepted, and 296 tax returns transmitted, during the 2019 tax preparation season. During the 2018 tax preparation season, Coastline had 182 tax returns accepted, and 190 tax returns transmitted. Coastline had an astonishing 47.8% increase in accepted tax returns from the 2018 and 2019 tax preparation seasons.
2018/2019 OER Mini-Grants (Internal)
Non-instructional assignments for faculty to develop zero-cost courses.
- Award: $9,480
- Term: 01/27/2018 - 08/17/2019
- Outcomes: Supported the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the following areas:
- Deborah Henry, Tanya Murry, and Mia Dobbs co-created an OER BIOL C220 (Human Anatomy) course.
- Elizabeth Horan researched digital textbooks to add to the online library.
- Jean Dupon created an OER CHEM C180 (General Chemistry A) course.
- Marilyn Brock converted ENGL C297 (Gothic Literature) to zero-cost.
- Tracy Fanelli converted BC C112 (Office Organization) to zero-cost.
Cyber Private Public Partnership (P3) Scholarship Program – Cyber P3
Coastline College under the Cyber P3 Scholarship Program will offer and support a scholarship to a member of the United States Army Reserves (USAR) who has expressed interest in enrolling in Coastline’s Cybersecurity program through their submittal of 2018 scholarship applications for the Cyber Private Public Partnership (Cyber P3) Scholarship Program.
With its resources, and upon receipt of grant funding, Coastline will offer the accepted USAR student the opportunity to learn from among its 13 Cybersecurity courses, leading towards earning a Certificates of Achievement in Cybersecurity. Through this, Coastline, the NSA, and USAR will be forging soldiers who are well equipped to meet the changing nature of cybersecurity as we bridge soldier to student to employee with valuable knowledge and skills for military or civilian efforts, creating a larger force of trained professionals to work for our nation’s safety.
- Award: $13,051
- Term: 08/30/2018 - 08/29/2019
- Outcomes: Through this scholarship, a student began the Coastline Cybersecurity Program during the Fall 2018 session. The student graduated on August 4, 2019 receiving an Associate in Science Degree in Computer Networking: Cybersecurity, and a Certificate of Achievement in Computer Networking: Cybersecurity.
GenCyber Girls 2019 - Student Summer Camp
Coastline College in Orange County, CA will host a beginner cybersecurity summer camp for 7th to 12th grade female students in July 2019. Coastline’s one-week camp will include hands-on keyboard activities, hands-on hardware activities, and a career panel to help participants further develop their interest in cybersecurity concepts and professions.
Hands-on workshops will focus on Cybersecurity First Principles with age-appropriate activities such as mock crime scene with simulated computer forensics case, binary bracelets, crystal ball career goal, secure password development, Arduino do-it-yourself kit, computer assembly, and wireless network workshops. Local industry professionals will provide insight to cybersecurity and technology careers through a career panel and Q&A session.
GenCyber Girls 2019 Event Info
GenCyber Girls Follow Up Activities
- Award: $52,528
- Term: 05/07/2019 - 05/06/2020
- Outcomes: In July 2019, Coastline College hosted a non-resident summer camp for female students in 6th-12th grades. Representatives from FBI, NSA, General Atomics, and students from Cal Poly Pomona presented cybersecurity career topics and gender gap issues in the field of cybersecurity. The campers participated in hands-on workshops and presented research posters at the end of the camp. Additional follow-up events were hosted in September 2019, February 2020, and April 2020 to provide additional opportunities for female students to continue learning about cybersecurity.