Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC)
Meeting Schedule
- September - December / February - May
- Day: 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
- Location: Online via Zoom
Led by a mission-focused perspective and utilizing data-informed methods, the Planning, Instituional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC) aims to foster an inclusive environment that supports the achievement of equitable student outcomes. In support of continual improvement, the committee engages in ongoing dialog, collaboration, and evaluation. The committee oversees the development of the College's Educational Master Plan, accreditation activities, key performance indicators (KPIs), and the annual resource planning process. The PIEAC provides recommendations to the President through College Council.
Members (18) 2024-25
Faculty Members
- Academic Senate President (Ann Holliday)
- Academic Senate President-Elect (Steven Fauce, Ph.D.)
- Academic Senate Rep. (Rachel Marchioni)
- Academic Senate Rep. (Ryan Boyd)
- Academic Senate Rep. (David Devine, Ph.D.)
- Accreditation Faculty Coordinator (Kelly Ruppert)
- Coast Federation Education Rep. (Amy Evagelista)
- Faculty Center Faculty Coordinator (Stephen Barnes, J.D.)
Classified Professionals
- Coast Federation of Classified Professionals Rep. (Helen Ward)
- Coast Federation of Classified Professionals Rep. (Luis Morales)
- Classified Senate President or Designee (Anna Islbell)
- Classified Senate Vice President or Designee (Ramon Calvillo)
Administrators and Managers
- Dean of Counseling (Natalei Schonfeld, Ph.D.)
- Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liasion Officer (Aeron Zentner, D.B.A.)
- Director of IT (David Thompson/ Kevin Harrison)
- Vice President of Administrative Services (Christine Nguyen)
- Vice President of Instructional Services (Isela Ocegueda, Ph.D.)
- Vice President of Student Services (Kate Mueller, Ed.D.)
Associated Student Government
- ASG President or Designee (Denise Rusk)
Non-Voting Ex-Officio Member
- President (Vincent Rodriguez, Ed.D.)
- Director of Business Services (Derek Bui)
- Academic Senate President (Ann Holliday)
- Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer (Aeron Zentner, D.B.A.)
Committee Support
Administrative Assitant: Maureen Schaller
Planning, Innovation, Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee Documents
College Plans
Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation Committee (PIEAC)