Matriculation is a state-mandated program designed to assist students in accomplishing their educational goals. It is an agreement between the college and the students. Coastline agrees to provide an organized process of admission, orientation, assessment, counseling and student progress follow-up. The students agree to declare a specific educational objective, attend class regularly, complete assigned course work and maintain satisfactory progress toward the achievement of their educational plan.
The primary goal of matriculation is to increase student success through institutional effectiveness. Success is measured by the attainment of student educational objectives. Matriculation is a coordinated process designed to:
- Assist students to make wise educational choices concerning the programs and courses to pursue based upon clear and sensitive appraisals of their skills, interests and aptitudes in relation to the programs and courses offered.
- Enable students to complete the units they attempt with satisfactory grades and to persist from semester to semester.
- Identify the support services that students need to succeed and refer students to college and community resources to meet those needs.
- Strengthen student motivation to succeed through the above, and provide frequent feedback and encouragement.
Matriculation Activities
Students use telephone, mail-in, or in-class registration to expedite the entry process. (See Online Application for Admission )
Students are evaluated for current skill levels in reading, writing and math. District-approved, no-cost testing instruments are used and feedback is provided. Various testing times are available for accessibility and convenience. Career interest inventories and other specialized testing tools are also available.
Students meet with educational counselors through selected classroom visitations and personal appointments. Students learn about Coastline's educational options including transfer requirements, associate degrees, certificate programs, enrichment courses, weekend offerings and television courses. Counselors help students identify their educational goals and develop curriculum plans to achieve them. (See Counseling .)
Exemption Criteria
All students entering Coast Community College District colleges are expected to participate fully in matriculation services. They are also expected to meet course skill level requirements and prerequisites. Some Coastline students may be exempted from assessment, orientation and/or counseling on the basis of the following criteria:
- Students who have earned an associate degree or higher from an accredited institution.
- Students who are enrolling in six or fewer units and who are not pursuing a degree or a certificate. Upon completion of 12 or more units, however, these students will be apprised of opportunities to participate in matriculation services.
- Students who, in the opinion of the vice president of student services or designee, would not directly benefit from participating in orientation, assessment and/or counseling.
- Students who have already matriculated at Orange Coast College or Golden West College.
Students obtain current materials on Coastline's programs, policies, procedures, locations and facilities through the online student orientation , semester schedules, career and transfer planning guides, catalogs, mailings, brochures, newsletters and counselor classroom visitations. They obtain additional information on college services and activities from counselors, instructors and other staff members.
Student Progress Follow-up
Students excelling in their coursework are notified of honor lists and scholarships. Students encountering academic difficulties are referred to appropriate college services by counselors, instructors and staff members. Students having special needs are directed to additional follow-up resources within the College and community.
Students who participate in matriculation have an increased potential for success. They are more motivated, knowledgeable and prepared to achieve their educational goals. All students are strongly encouraged to participate. Call the Counseling office for information at (714) 241-6162.
Get In Touch
Admissions & Records Office
Student Services Center in Fountain Valley
Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm
P: 714.241.6176